Looking at my remaining peaks on 52 With a View, I figured that Mt.Cube would be a good choice for a hot Monday. Both ways too ascend Mt.Cube include long distance trails. Of course, the Appalachian Trail passes over the peak, while Mt.Cube is the eastern terminus of the Cross Rivendell Trail, which begins in Vershire, VT. This trail is the quickest, and most scenic route. Being shorter, we took the Cross Rivendell Trail.
Looking across the northern summit ledges. |
The trail is skillfully put together, utilizing switchbacks and bog bridges. Two descent lookouts can be found along the trail. The Spruce Lookout includes a good view looking into Vermont and towards Sunday Mountain. Ledge Lookout is nicer, and includes a large ledge with views in the same direction, but much vaster.
The view from Spruce Lookout. |
The view from Spruce Lookout. |
Once the trail reached the Appalachian Trail, it emerges onto a large bald area, with views over to Smarts Mountain, Mt.Cardigan, Moose Mountain and the Dartmouth Skiway. On a clear day, we probably would've been able to see the Green Mountains, but the haze was too thick, and we could only very faintly make them out.
Smarts Mountain, with Moose Mountain and the Dartmouth Skiway to the right. |
We continued north on the Appalachian Trail, and soon found the spur trail to the north summit. If your thru-hiking, this side trail is worth the little effort, as the trail emerges onto northern ledges, that look west into the White Mountains, including Mt.Moosilauke Carr Mountain, Piermont Mountain, Mt.Stinson and Webster Slide Mountain.
Piermont Mountain and Mt.Moosilauke from Mt.Cube. |
The view is truly amazing, and it takes little effort to achieve them. The Cross Rivendell Trail is pleasant, and the views are delightful. Much like the views, blueberries are plentiful. We also came across a few thru-hikers, but it still wasn't that busy.
The view looking at Sunday Mountain, from the Appalachian Trail junction. |
Smarts Mountain, with Mt.Cardigan in the distance to the left. |
Piermont Mountain from the northern summit ledges. |
Carr Mountain and Mt.Stinson sit to the left, with Black Hill to the right. |
Mt.Cube is one of the better peaks in southern New Hampshire, but it in no way compares to mountains like Mt.Cardigan and Mt.Monadnock. It's still worth the trip, and the views are truly incredible. I would also recommend swimming at Sculptured Rocks in Groton on a hot day. That's what we did, and besides the crowds, it's a very exciting place.
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